The third—and last—State of the Nation Address of President Manuel Roxas, which was delivered on January 26, 1948:

"We are still far away from our chosen goals. But we are decidedly on our way. I assure you we are treading on firm ground and marching in the right direction. We are following paths which the experience of nations has proven to be safe and reliable. We are attempting no shortcuts. We are developing our national economy in the hard but surest way. We must not allow ourselves to be distracted by the alluring promises of new and strange ideologies or the radical theories of neo-economists. We cannot afford to make mistakes. We would pay for them very dearly in tears and toil. If we should work together now as we did in the past, I assure you we shall move forward at a good pace without having to change our democratic ways, without renouncing the liberties that we cherish, ever closer to the high planes of prosperity, well- being, and social justice that we have always sought for our people."

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