Update: David Alonzo from NIS America has commented on the issue with Matt Conn, which surfaced due to "miscommunication". NIS America will fulfill its promise to back the GaymerX event. The following statement was sent to GameSpot:
"We've worked closely with Matt and have since resolved the issue. This came about because of miscommunication on my part and I sincerely apologize for that.
I also want to say that as a part of the LGBTQ community, I will always be supportive of queer rights. I got a bit overzealous with my support, but because of this I failed to follow the proper internal protocol. Fortunately, NISA wholeheartedly endorses the community, and has fulfilled what was promised.
I'm happy that we've been able to resolve this, and I appreciate that Matt was able to work with us to resolve this quickly. I support what he does for the community 100% and I only wish the best for him and his future endeavors."
The original story follows below.
According to LGBT-themed video game conference GaymerX founder Matt Conn, publisher NIS America (Danganronpa, Disgaea) backed out of a sponsorship deal for this month's GaymerX2. Conn shared an email on Twitter reportedly from an NIS America representative, who explained that the company would not be able to make good on its promise for funding.
The representative apologized in his note to Conn, and said he truly believes in what GaymerX is trying to accomplish. Conn went on to claim that NIS America was "bullying" GaymerX, though he later apologizedfor implying that NIS America's choice to not pay was based on his sexuality.
"NIS America is a good company that made a small oversight and I responded strongly," Conn said. "We both are at fault and I look forward to a quick resolution. I have no interest in causing NIS America harm. I just want to be paid for the services that were rendered. I have been assured it was a mixup."
NIS America reportedly pledged $3,000 to GaymerX. Though the company will not be making good on this agreement, other high-profile developers have come forward with the funds. Publisher Devolver Digital(Broforce, Hotline Miami), Thomas Was Alone creator Mike Bithell, and Goat Simulator developer Coffee Stain Studios, have all pledged $3,000 to GaymerX.
The second annual LGBT-themed GaymerX convention was held earlier this month in San Francisco, featuring a number of panels and presentations, including one from Borderlands creator Gearbox Software about inclusivity in gaming. Despite growing support from big-name publishers like 2K Games and Electronic Arts, this year's show might have been the last.

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